Member Benefits
Professional Development:
- Global Career Development Conference provides expert keynoters, skilled presenters, CE-approved program sessions, and opportunities for networking with many career professionals. Members receive discounts on registration fees, access to select session video recordings, and exclusive scholarships.
- The NCDA Hub, the on-demand learning platform and webinars. Members receive discounts on course registration.
- Professional Development Institutes provide opportunities for continuing education at the annual conference. Occasional events such as the celebration of National Career Development Day, or state and regional events like the Career Practitioner Institutes also offer CEs. Members receive discounts on registration to these events.
- Committee Work supports much of NCDA and contributes to the field. For example, the Multicultural Career Resource List (generated by the Committee on Diversity Initiatives and Cultural Inclusion) aids practitioners, researchers, authors, and those seeking credentials. All members are invited to join any committee and serve in leadership roles.
- Professional Recognition can be achieved by holding an NCDA Credential, contributing to a publication, presenting at a conference, or serving on a committee. Members are also eligible for annual NCDA Awards.
- NCDA Academies, such as the Leadership Academy and Career Teaching Academy as well as the Mentoring Program.
- State leadership development, such as quarterly consortiums and toolkits
- Jobs for Career Development Professionals: job openings posted online (members must login to view jobs). Members receive discounts on posting fees. Members may receive special branded ebulletins about job openings.
- Career Development Quarterly, NCDA's journal is the premier career counseling journal, presenting the latest information in career development research and career counseling practice. Members receive electronic access to the CDQ.
- Career Developments, the NCDA quarterly magazine, is a themed publication offering articles that balance a broad vision with practical applications. Each issue offers a focused article on a select theme, a feature article on a prominent NCDA event, specific content for professional departments, and regular columns. Only members receive this magazine (either electronically or in the mail).
- Career Convergence, NCDA's web magazine offers new articles each month for career development practitioners working in a variety of work settings. This is emailed to members on the first day of each month. Members are invited to submit articles and can receive CEs when published.
- The Career Resource Store offers career development publications that are available to members at discounted prices.
- A Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment online companion is offered to members as an annual subscription. This quintessential resource offers 14 chapters and a growing number of assessment reviews. It is the online complement to the print book (which has 6 foundational chapters and 27 reviews) and is also available to members at a discounted price.
Standards and Advocacy:
- Professional Credentials that are built upon rigorous quality standards, scope of practice and ethical guidelines. NCDA credentials show validity of your competency in the field. If you are a credential holder, you are eligible for an exclusive web listing on the NCDA website to let others know that you provide help to those with career needs.
- The Government Relations Committee works toward advocacy, both nationally and through state CDAs.
- The NCDA Research Grant Recipients Report includes the name of the researcher who received the award in the past, the title and description and where possible, a link to the research itself. This report reveals important data on how NCDA has invested in career research and may help the board consider where and how to invest to further NCDA's mission.
- Liability Insurance may be available to NCDA members, with specific qualifications, through the ACA Insurance HPSO. Call 800-347-6647 for more information.
- Members experiencing an ethical dilemma may reach out to the Ethics Committee to ask for assistance regarding the dilemma.
- Networking Opportunities are endless with thousands of career development professionals who are members of state divisions and NCDA. Members can access a Directory under Members Only (after logging in). Members may also use the Questions and Comments form under Members Only Resources "Ask a Member" to discuss career-related issues of interest.
- Sample Forms is an online repository of documents for reference and use when developing professional forms. Counselor Educators have also shared a sampling of their syllabi and favorite assignments.
- Bibliography of Military Career Transition Research, 2000-present. Created by the Veterans Committee, this PDF includes a wide variety of demographics/topics: female, LGB, ex-offenders, theory applications, employment, etc. It is available to members upon Login, under Members Only Resources.
- Resources for Partnering With International Students. This online document includes resources to support career development of International students, within the college/university setting. It is available to members upon Login, under Members Only Resources.
The National Career Development Association collaborates with a number of other career-related organizations and professional associations. The most recent work has been done with the following organizations.
- AARP - NCDA provides career counselors and coaches for AARPs Virtual Career Fairs. NCDA also offers subject matter experts for AARPs career webinars.
- Canadian Career Development Foundation - NCDA collaborates with CCDF during global career development month activities and other research related projects.
- Coalition for Career Development – NCDA has a representative to their Advisory Council to help promote career readiness as a priority in American Education. NCDA developed the School Career Development Advisor Training Program to support the work of the Coalition.
- Center for Postsecondary Readiness and Success – NCDA is an organizational member to support the Centers mission to increase equitable and accessible pathways to postsecondary success for all people.
- Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) – NCDA is an organizational member and supports the career development standards in higher education.
- International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG) shares the news with member organizations (including NCDA) regarding upcoming conferences and new journals. (See About NCDA: Global Connections.)
- NCDA members may receive discounts on conference rates from such events as Cannexus as well as webinars in partnership with CERIC.
- Complete College America - NCDA provides speakers and resources to CCA.
- ICCDPP - NCDA is an organizational member and serves as the US Team for ICCDPP’s Policy meetings.
- Watch your email or the website for additional partnership benefits.
If your organization would like to make a partnership offer to NCDA or its members, please contact
Keep your Membership benefits coming -- we need your current email address to send you the web magazine and monthly announcements. Your membership profile is available when you login - please update your email.
If you have a question about Membership, please contact NCDA Headquarters by calling headquarters (918) 663-7060 (Mon-Thurs) or emailing Natalie Scrimsher, Membership Director, at